App of the month

App of the month

Have you heard of MySam? The mobile app that makes life easier for Uber drivers and customers. Discover the interview with Pierre Rosi, CEO
What is Team Mood? The platform that allows you to know the degree of “Happiness” of your employees. We tested it at Appstud!
How can I secure my family and my property? Thanks to EyesHelp! A mobile app that makes you feel safe thanks to those around you.
Have you heard of TravelGram? It’s a simple, collaborative tool that allows you to post geotagged photos, videos or comments!
Do you know Zombie, Run! The mobile application that uses gamification to motivate you to go running! A great way to keep your users.
Do you know who was Appstud’s first customer? Toulouse Blagnac airport! The one who made us grow.
Do you know the mobile app The Best Song? The user-friendly platform that allows you to vote for your favorite songs or rank the most popular ones
Traces! The new messaging app that is going to revolutionize the way you text someone
Did you know that it is the simplest ideas that can make you the most money? Take the example of “Yo”, we tell you everything
After Instagram, Whatsapp. Why did Facebook buy this global instant messaging giant: Whatsapp? Find out in this article!