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App of the month

What is Team Mood? The platform that allows you to know the degree of “Happiness” of your employees. We tested it at Appstud!
Are you familiar with the Agile Lean strategy? In a company, this strategy maximises customer value while minimising waste and reducing costs.
How can I secure my family and my property? Thanks to EyesHelp! A mobile app that makes you feel safe thanks to those around you.
Do you all know about beacons? Beacons are revolutionising the consumer experience and the way retailers approach physical retail outlets.
Have you heard of Emphasis? His objective is to allow sensors to detect even the smallest traces of chemicals in the systems beneath our feet
Did you know that Amazon did not make a profit until 2001? The overnight success far outweighs the hard work it took to get to the top.
Did you know that UX is the key to the success of mobile apps? We tell you all about it in this complete and detailed article!
Have you heard of TravelGram? It’s a simple, collaborative tool that allows you to post geotagged photos, videos or comments!
Why not listen to your future customers when designing your mobile app? It’s not that the customer doesn’t know anything, it’s just that they don’t always know what’s best for them
Did you know that user mistakes can be good? Things can go very wrong when designers don’t really listen to what the user says.
What exactly does your mobile app do in one sentence? Users won’t open an app if it crashed the first time they opened it. Check out our tips
Poor evaluation of a project is one of the causes of its failure. Why is this? How can it be avoided? Find out in our article!
IT for Equity the pillar of the lean start up? Appstud developed a client’s mobile app by reducing their costs in exchange for an equity stake in their company
Do you know what the sharing economy is? It is the optimisation of the use of existing resources by rationalising costs. We explain everything in this article
Do you know Zombie, Run! The mobile application that uses gamification to motivate you to go running! A great way to keep your users.
Do you know who was Appstud’s first customer? Toulouse Blagnac airport! The one who made us grow.
Do you have a mobile application project? And you are planning to launch it soon? Discover the 7 mistakes to avoid before you launch!
Do you know the mobile app The Best Song? The user-friendly platform that allows you to vote for your favorite songs or rank the most popular ones